Home Educators Association of Virginia is the oldest and largest member-supported, statewide, non-profit homeschool association. Since 1983 we have successfully worked to promote and protect home educ READ MORE http://www.heav.org/
Note: The following information is provided as a courtesy of VaHomeschoolers and should not be considered legal advice. For legal advice, please contact an licensed attorney.
The Organization of Vi READ MORE http://www.vahomeschoolers.org/law/
VaHomeschoolers appreciates that homeschoolers are diverse in their beliefs and backgrounds, but united in loving our children, valuing their education, and treasuring our freedom to homeschool. For t READ MORE http://www.vahomeschoolers.org/
Homeschool Associations requiring a Statement of Faith specific to their beliefs may be found in the “Outreach for Specific Interests” Directory.