Wyoming Home Education Law
Wyoming Home Education Law
Wyoming Home Education law requires the teaching of a "basic educational program" by the child's parent or legal guardian or by a person designated by the parent or legal guardian. "Basic educational program" is one that provides a sequentially progressive curriculum of fundamental instruction in reading, writing, mathematics, civics, history, literature and science. These curriculum requirements do not require any private school or home-based educational program to include in its curriculum any concept, topic or practice in conflict with its religious doctrines or to exclude from its curriculum any concept, topic or practice consistent with its religious doctrines.
Attendance is required for children whose seventh birthday falls on or before Sept. 15 and through their sixteenth birthday or completion of the 10th grade.
Home school families are required to submit a curriculum to the local board of trustees each year showing that the program complies with the educational requirements of the state. Most Wyoming home school families meet this requirement by sending a form supplied to HSLDA members or a letter with the required information at the beginning of each school year. A minimum of 175 days of attendance is required yearly.
This summary is intended as a guide and not legal advice.
Back-to-School — Notifying Your School District
by Laurie Poch
Once again Wyoming school districts are sending out a packet to homeschooling families insisting we must sign and return several different forms. Do we really have to do all that stuff?? NO!! What the district is asking for is NOT required by state law!
According to the Home School Legal Defense Association (from a letter previously sent by them to a school district), "Neither state nor federal law requires a home school family to return the 'Non-public School Participation Form' or the 'Verification of Home School Participation' form you sent them. While we appreciate your informing families of their opportunity to participate, it would be more helpful if you would be clearer about their legal obligations. In the future, I suggest you revise your form letter to state, 'If you wish to participate in any public school services, please return these forms. If you have any questions about the forms, please feel free to contact us.'
"...Some families may choose to use your 'Intent to Home School' form, whereas others may use HSLDA's 'Wyoming Submission of Curriculum' form which is available for our members on our website. I am advising our member families that they are under no obligation to send in the 'Non-public School Participation Form' unless they wish to receive federal flow-through funds under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). I am furthermore advising our member families that they are under no obligation to return your 'Verification of Home School Participation' form. I assume that families that do wish to participate will choose to send in this form, however."
All we need to turn in is a simple letter of intent-a letter stating that we are homeschooling this year-and a "curriculum." A curriculum can be a scope and sequence, or a list of textbooks and publishers you are using. Your letter of intent can be very simple. You can use the form the school district sends, you can use the one provided by HSLDA on their website, www.HSLDA.org, or you can write your own. Below is an example of a simple letter of intent.
It's important to know what the Wyoming homeschool law says so you can't be "railroaded" into doing something you don't have to do. HSLDA recommends that you never provide more information than necessary. Remember you only need to report compulsory school age students.
This summary is intended as a guide and not legal advice.
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