Washington Homeschool Organization (WHO)
WHO - Our Purpose
The Washington Homeschool Organization (WHO) is a statewide, non-profit membership organization. Its mission is to serve the diverse interests of home-based education in Washington State. WHO is nonpartisan, nonsectarian, and nondiscriminating in its views of homeschooling and participation in its activities. Specifically, the purposes of WHO are:
To promote the interchange of information and support among homeschooling families and support groups throughout the state.
To keep abreast of legislative developments in order to ensure independence of homeschoolers.
To facilitate an informed statewide awareness of homeschooling.
To assist parents who are considering homeschooling to make an informed choice and to offer resource information and support to those who have chosen the homeschooling option.
To encourage educational growth for homeschooling parents by offering seminars, workshops, lectures, and at least one major convention a year.
To assist homeschoolers and support groups in establishing communication with local school officials.
To assist and support local homeschool groups and those wishing to form support groups by offering counseling, guidance, and information for organizing such groups.
To provide assistance to credible research about homeschoolers and homeschooling results and/or outcomes.
To uplift honest and sincere endeavors to promote homeschooling.
