The Sanctuary School (TSS)
The Sanctuary School (TSS) is a school for all ages, a place where the flame of brilliance is ignited. Courses are offered as a global outreach to the new generation of children in homeschooling programs, public and private schools and community-based learning environments.

TSS is an online and text-based independent study program specializing in heart-based education and environmental awareness. Studies focus on decision-making, peacemaking and leadership development; trained teachers are provided who guide students to express their highest potential. Through a curriculum of specially designed elective courses, children and youth receive a foundation in kind living and love of nature. This enhances learning abilities and introduces the heart-mind connection into the educational process. With encouragement in compassionate service, partnership with all life and individual expression, students participate as planetary citizens.

The Vision
Children hold the future of our planet. Every child and young person has a special place in our world. Each has a contribution to make to help earth and all creation. We see the children and youth as the leaders of our new tomorrow.

The Sanctuary School program offers children and youth a foundation in kind living and love of nature by encouraging compassionate service, partnership with all life and individual creative expression.

The Mission
The Sanctuary School is an online and text-based independent study program specializing in heart-based education and environmental awareness. It offers a model for education whereby each child's sense of purpose is nurtured and supported. Studies focus on decision-making, peacemaking and leadership development. Trained teachers guide students to express their highest potential.

We seek to further and support the vision and goals of the United Nations by encouraging community service, partnership with all life, and environmental stewardship. Courses to enhance learning abilities and introduce the heart-mind connection are offered as a global outreach to the new generation of children in homeschooling programs, public and private schools, and community-based learning environments. Through this holistic approach, children will learn and enjoy learning.

About Us
The inspiration and vision for The Sanctuary School emerged from classes held in Ojai, California, where children ranging in age from 4-14 met with golden retriever Delphi to read and discuss Six Lessons with Delphi, a remarkable book by Patricia Jepsen and inspired by Delphi herself. What became evident within the first few meetings was an immediate acceleration and expansion in awareness, creative thinking and self-confidence. Children's participation blossomed from shyness, rote responses, and cautious skepticism to openly shared experiences of partnership and closeness with nature, original ideas, and creative problem solving.

The calming, nurturing and restorative effect that this program had on young people in California was also demonstrated in a community education outreach coordinated by the Graffiti Abatement Program (GAPIT) in Tucson, Arizona. GAPIT, a city-funded, community-based organization, incorporated Six Lessons with Delphi and the syllabus Teaching Delphi into its workshops and presentations. The program was enthusiastically received in schools, community organizations, juvenile facilities, and prisons.

With the development of online courses for children and youth based on Six Lessons with Delphi and related materials, the Sanctuary School was born. An online format was chosen because of its universal appeal and broad accessibility via the Internet. More courses continue to be added, and plans for a comprehensive curriculum using a heart-based approach, as well as the development of a physical campus, are envisioned. The Sanctuary School provides a safe haven for learning, where the heart can be open and the mind free to express the creative brilliance of each young person.

Founder and director of The Sanctuary School, Patricia Jepsen, is president of the Center for International Cooperation, a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) on the Roster of the United Nations Economic and Social Council. Her work in international diplomacy, environmental conferences, and humane education has given her the necessary background for The Sanctuary School vision and purpose.

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