Tennessee Home Education Assoc. (THEA)
THEA is a volunteer organization of home schooling parents, who chose to accept no government funds and desire no government oversight of their teachers or curriculum.
THEA affirms the family is the basic government or institution in society.
THEA affirms the parents have the primary responsibility of educating their children.
THEA Chapters make every effort to bring the educational services as close to each family's home as possible, including curriculum fairs, workshops, training sessions and speakers for support groups.
THEA works to inform the home schooling community of legislative changes.
THEA Chapters use newsletters, E-Mails, faxes, and phone chains to keep you informed about home schooling.
THEA encourages the formation of support groups in geographic areas, around an activity, such as scouting, skating, 4H, etc., among church members, based on a curriculum approach, etc.
THEA encourages coordination among parents to facilitate the teaching of "speciality" subjects such as music, foreign languages, upper level math & sciences, etc.
THEA believes the parents may delegate the education to others while overseeing their children's education.
THEA Chapters across the State hold annual Home School graduation exercises to honor graduates and families.
