Southeast Texas Home School Association (SETHSA)
The Southeast Texas Home School Association is a non-profit, 501(c)(3), incorporated, Christian service organization established to minister to the home-schooling community in the greater Houston and southeast Texas area. SETHSA is dedicated to the rights of parents to choose the type of home education that is best for their children.
SETHSA’s ministry provides support and encouragement in the efforts of teaching at home through a yearly conference, monthly newsletter, sponsoring of a spelling bee, geography bee, Read to Succeed, and Pizza Hut Book It! programs. SETHSA’s goals are to provide support and to help connect homeschool families with the local homeschool stores, support groups, co-ops, graduation sponsors, sport organizations, bands, choirs, robotic clubs, 4-H, and a variety of educational class providers. By connecting with these various groups and organizations, we hope to provide support and encouragement in the efforts of teaching at home.
In your endeavor to homeschool, please utilize all the information on our website to help you in this
