School of Abraham (LDS)
The School of Abraham is an LDS homeschool website which exists to support families in their ongoing efforts to educate their children. The website is still very much under development, as is the program of study.
Several LDS home educators have contributed materials to the website, including scripture study resources for younger and older children, advice, art study, and even our own School Song. Any others who would still like to contribute are welcome to do so.
The School of Abraham does not offer a complete curriculum. Rather, it is a supplement to the program the parent has chosen to use in the home. It provides contact information for various LDS support groups, and LDS vendors of homeschool materials. In addition, helpful articles pertinent to the LDS homeschool lifestyle are posted there for morale building and perspective.
We are continuing to expand the resources of the website. Some of those include the monthly family readings for discussion, as well as the various email support groups. We do have many resources which just haven't made it to the website yet.
The School of Abraham website grows as fast as time and means allow. All resources are free on it.
