Pennsylvania Home Education Network - PHEN
The Pennsylvania Home Education Network is an incorporated, nonprofit, tax exempt, statewide organization of home educating families. PHEN exists to promote freedom and simplicity in home education, to serve all families who educate their children at home regardless of race, religion, creed, sex, national origin, handicap, or educational philosophy, and to inform the general public about home education. Membership is open to all Pennsylvania residents who agree with the organization's inclusive philosophy. The Network is directed by a council of members who volunteer and who make decisions by consensus.
PHEN Statement of Philosophy
We believe every family has the right to educate their children at home.
We believe government should not control home education.
We believe in trusting parents to know what is best for their children and in allowing them to freely choose educational alternatives, so we oppose standardization of home education by government regulations, by promotion of any particular teaching method, or by outside evaluation through testing, government approval, or outside evaluators.
We believe compulsory attendance laws can only enforce attendance; they cannot guarantee education.
We believe Pennsylvania Home Education Network actions should empower as many people as possible.
We believe members should act individually to represent themselves.
