Old Fashioned Education
This site offers a full curriculum primarily using public domain materials. A full schedule for grades 1-11 is availble (12th is forthcoming).
An Old-Fashioned Education Free Christian Homeschool Curriculum
Hi, I'm Maggie, author and creator of An Old Fashioned Education Curriculum. It was created using free texts which are available on the Internet. Most of these books were published before 1923 which means they are now in the public domain. Since the original copyrights have expired these books may be used by anyone, any way they like. A few of the books are still under copyright. They are made available On-line by their copyright holders. Most of them allow you to download, print or copy their books free for personal use. Everything listed on this curriculum is free except for a few math and science books. These must be purchased
separately. The reason for this is because I was unable to find accurate modern texts available for the upper grades of science and most grades of mathematics. Since these two subjects are vital for a quality education I recommend that homeschoolers go ahead and bite the bullet by budgeting for modern books in these two areas. It will more than pay off in the long run.
I created this curriculum by researching available texts and combining them together in grade levels to create appropriate progression from first grade through to graduating Seniors. I am confident that the recommended course of study provides an adequate, if not superior, education.
This curriculum is free to use and share with others. It may not be bought or sold nd no money may be charged for sharing it, not even shipping and handling. If you send it to your sister in Peru, then you must pay for the shipping yourself. This is to ensure that no one profits from my work.
Read more on Maggie's site Old Fashioned Education
