Oklahoma Homeschooling Co-ops and Classes
Oklahoma Homeschooling Co-ops and Classes
Homeschooling Co-ops
Homeschool co-ops offer selected classes for homeschool students, and provide a welcome addition to learning at home for some families. Some co-ops utilize parents as teachers for subject areas and in other cases the group hires outside teachers for the classes, splitting the cost among participating families to make the price more affordable per family. Co-ops are sought for many reasons: they can be a good way to meet same-age (or nearly same-age) homeschoolers; some parents like the freedom of allowing others to assume responsibility for subjects they are uninterested in, or are unable to learn and teach; others like the opportunity to share expensive supplies, such as lab equipment; some activities, such as choir, orchestra, and team sports require a group of children larger than many families can put together.
Enid Area
Enid Classical Conversations, meets weekly offering classes from age 4 through junior high. Science experiments, art, music, oral presentations and more in the morning for age 4- 6th grade. Afternoon Essentials of the Language Arts, IEW writing and math games for 3rd - 6th grade. Challenging all day program for 7th grade and up. Check out www.classicalconversations.com . For more information contact Terrill Browne.
Enid Area Christian Home Educators (EACHE) offers classes for Sign Language(7-12 grades), P.E.(2-12 grades), Art(2-12 grades), Drama(2-12 grades), Band(2-12 grades), and a Coop time for the little ones (K-2 grades). Classes are generally from 9am - 2pm. Contact Karen King 233-1181 or Michelle Baldwin 496-2458.
Enid Public Library, 120 W. Maine, 580-233-6325 - Offers classes for young children and teens.
Hennessey Public Library, 525 S. Main, Hennessey, Oklahoma, 580-853-2073, email the librarian. - Offers various classes and events for homeschoolers.
Home School Band - Contact Karen at 580-233-1181 if you are interested. Classes are held weekly. The cost is $35 per month for one child in the family and $50 for two or more children from the same family. There is no cap on the number of children in the family that may take lessons for the total cost of $50. There is a $20 yearly membership fee per family. Mr. Vincent is the music instructor.
Leonardo's Discovery Warehouse, 200 E Maple, Enid, OK 73701, (580) 233-ARTS (2787) - Homeschool classes in science, art history/technique and pottery are offered each semester on Fridays for K-3 and 4-6 (flexible), plus can be scheduled at other times by groups of 10 or more children. Students may sign up for individual classes or for the entire semester.
Middle school Science Adventure Club is available Tuesday or Thursday
afternoons from 3:30-5:30 p.m. This club offers more in-depth science
investigations in a relaxed environment designed for 6th - 8th grades.
Registration is by the semester - 8 sessions.
High school classes are available as scheduled by groups of 10 or more
students. Check out Leonardo's calendar for more event information.
Lowe's Home Improvement, 5201 W. Owen K. Garriott, 580-242-3000 - Offers various classes for kids and adults.
Oklahoma City Area
Central Oklahoma Alliance of Christian Homeschoolers (C.O.A.C.H.)
The purpose of the Central Oklahoma Alliance of Christian Homeschoolers (aka C.O.A.C.H.) home extension classes is to offer weekly classes to home-educated Jr. High & Sr. High students as an extension of the homeschool, with parents as active participants in the overall discipline and learning process. C.O.A.C.H. classes are held on Thursdays during the school year at Berry Road Baptist Church, 500 N. Berry Rd., Norman, Oklahoma.
Classical Conversations
Homeschool program for Christians in the OKC area, offering a full range of academic subjects as well as standardized testing, PE, and extras. Contact JCourtney@classicalconversations.com.
Comm-Unity Homeschool Coop.
7704 S. Hillcrest Dr., Oklahoma City, OK 73159. Serving the OKC metro area. Contact: Amanda Montgomery. Christian group of committed homeschool families working together meets every Friday during the school year for "school." Each family brings specific strengths and individual gifting to enhance our children's education. Through the cooperative effort our children receive a richer, fuller homeschool experience. The success of our co-op depends upon our strength collectively and not any one person's individual gift. For more information about our academic corner, academic classes offered, and fees, please contact Amanda.
EXCEL: Excellence in Home Education
Meeting at Heritage Baptist Church, 14317 N. Council, Oklahoma City, OK. Classes are designed for grades 6-8 and 9-12 in the areas of history, math, literature and science as well as several electives. Contact Jené Olsson at (405) 317-0600 for additional information.
The Family Theatre is a Christian non-profit theater providing drama instruction for homeschool students. Features a 5600 square foot production studio that houses two 20x25 rehearsal halls, costume and scene shops, and a 125 seat theater. For more information, please contact us at (405) 848-7469.
KISS Institute for Practical Robotics, Botball Educational Robotics Program, V: (405) 579-4609 F: (405) 329-4664
1818 W. Lindsey, Bldg D, #100, Norman, OK 73069
- A nonprofit, 501(c)(3) educational outreach organization based in Norman, Oklahoma that produces the Botball Educational Robotics Program.
The program is designed to excite and engage middle and high school students in meaningful applications of science, technology, engineering and math. It provides students with the motivation and the means to solve open-ended problems creatively while working as a team. Botball teaches real life programming and software development as well as valuable teamwork skills, project documentation and working to a schedule... skills they will need and use one day, as part of Oklahoma’s workforce and future leaders.
This inquiry-based program is aligned to Oklahoma State Department of Education Priority Academic Student Skills as well as to National Science, Math and Technology standards. Botball provides resources along with professional development so that educators can integrate the reusable robotic equipment into their science, math, computer science, information technology and vocational technical curricula, thereby impacting more students.
OCHEFA (Oklahoma Christian Home Educators Football Association) offers Jr. High and and Varsity tackle football for young men in grades 6-12 (Ages 12-18). Serves the greater Oklahoma City area. For more info contact: David Colburn (405) 283-0042.
Oklahoma City Homeschool Choirs, directed by Sue Vanderwater, have been introducing middle and high school students to choral music for the past six years. New students are accepted in July and August; sessions run from mid-August to late April. Students learn Basic Music Theory, Sight Singing, Ear Training, Rhythms, Singing Multi-Part Harmonies, Performance, Stage Presence, and working in a group setting. Choirs present several major concerts each semester, including a Christmas Candlelight concert, a Capitol Day Concert, and a Spring Concert. High School students will have the option of participating in tour at the end of the Spring semester. Contact: Sue Vanderwater at (405) 755-6690.
The Oklahoma City Zoo Education Department uses the Zoo as a living classroom to teach science and thinking skills. Monthly Safari Club sessions are designed specifically for homeschoolers children ages 5 through 16 and include animal encounters and presentations, discovery, inquiry, and guided activities on the zoo grounds. Contact:
Dr. Allison Brody, Director of Education, Oklahoma City Zoo, 2101 NE 50th, Oklahoma City, OK 73111
(405) 425-0288 or (405) 425-0218
Tulsa Area
Barthelmes Conservatory - A faculty of professional musicians & music educators offer individual instrument instruction in violin, viola, cello and bass, group lessons, ensemble participation, and music theory and ear training classes. Performance opportunities are available to participating students.
Christian Education Alliance
(918) 445-3145
3rd-12th grades
840 W. 81 St, Tulsa
A ministry of Calvary Church of the Nazarene; classes for home schooled students three mornings a week.
Christian Heritage Education Center
(918) 461-2790
Cornerstone Tutorial Center
948 S. 91st East Ave., Tulsa
Targeting homeschooling Christians, Cornerstone offers a variety of classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Graduation ceremonies are offered for homeschoolers (even those who do not attend Cornerstone Tutorial Center). Other special services offered to homeschool families include academic counseling and testing.
From Brain to Paper: A Writing Program for Children of All Ages
(918) 744-8878 or (918) 637-8888
Email: iamimagine@att.net
Offering technical writing skills, creative thinking, journaling and tutoring. Special classes offered for homeschoolers.
Greenwood Cultural Center Performing Arts Program
(918) 596-1020
Offers community-based, after-school youth learning experiences in classes such as ballet, African dance, drumming, martial arts, and hip hop.
Moriah Christian Academy
(918) 241-8410 680 East 41st Street, Sand Springs, OK 74063
Parent and teacher team approach to Christian education for PreK - 7th grade. Classroom instruction provided by Christian teachers on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, with schooling continued at home with parents on the remaining days.
St. Augustine Academy
(918) 355-6918
Individual classes offered Logic, Latin, Hebrew, and Rhetoric.
Tulsa Honors Orchestra
Offers unique string orchestra training for young string players in the greater Tulsa area and provides performance opportunities for violin, viola, cello and string bass players from the 1st through 12th grades. Meets Monday nights September through May and warmly welcomes homeschool and other musicians. Contact: Jody Naifeh (918) 224-3943.
Tulsa Technology Center
Tulsa Tech offers free vocational-technical classes for 11th and 12th graders. A career exploration class is available for sophomores. Homeschoolers are welcome.
Lawton / Fort Sill
Ft. Sill Youth Services offers a P.E. and Art class during the public school year and weekly recreational days, which feature activities such as swimming, bowling and fishing. This is open to any military homeschool family and may soon open to other homeschoolers in the Lawton area.
MoMs (Moms Of Moore) offers preschool movement and music classes at the Moore Community Center. Contact Jill Floyd.
