Ohio Homeschooling Laws & Process
Homeschooling is legal in all 50 states. When reviewing any law, remember that amendments can be made and wording can be altered to affect us. As a home educator, it is essential that you remain vigilant and knowledgeable about the state and local laws that affect homeschooling.
This page lists the laws as they are now and the process you use to begin homeschooling in Ohio. It is very important for you to know these regulations and to understand what they require and what they mean. In order to be protected by our laws, you need to follow them.
The regulations in Ohio have been successful for the last 20 years. Ohio Law requires that regulations undergo a review every 5 years to determine if changes are necessary. The last review took place in 2008 and it was determined that no changes other than some administrative clarifications were needed.
Disclaimer: The ideas contained on this page are not intended to be used as legal advice, but as an informative starting point. It is essential that you verify any information that is pertinent to decisions you make for yourself or your family. Consult an attorney if you have unanswered questions. The links on this page are only as accurate as their destinations. If you find an error, please contact us.