Oak Meadow
Our curriculum has been carefully developed over the past 35 years to reflect our principles of learning:
An Approach Built Upon Academic Standards
We have thoroughly studied state standards nationwide and have effectively developed a curriculum that is in line with rigorous standards while maintaining our commitment to a creative, innovative, and child-centered education. We offer a unique hybrid of accredited standards delivered with imagination and heart.
Involve the Whole Child
Education is often considered to be a matter of teaching facts, but we believe that true education involves more than just the intellect — it engages and integrates every aspect of the child. We believe that true intelligence arises when children are given opportunities to engage not only their heads, but their hands and hearts as well. Our curriculum includes assignments that ask children to read, write, and think, and also to paint, draw, play music, write poetry, and build things, encouraging balanced and healthy development.
Support the Natural Development of Children
An understanding of the developmental needs of children is the foundation of our curriculum. We seek to foster healthy development by introducing subjects and skills in a carefully considered sequence. We are mindful of keeping subjects well grounded in a familiar reality for the young child, and we gradually introduce abstract concepts as the grades advance. Imagination, creativity, and inquiry are carefully balanced through the grades in a way that keeps wonder and excitement alive in childhood.
Adapt to Each Child's Unique Learning Style
It is well known that we all learn in a variety of ways, or styles, and that each learner has an approach to a subject which suits him or her best. Our curriculum is written to accommodate visual, auditory, and physical learning styles and provides opportunities for all children to learn easily, successfully, and enjoyably.
Create a Caring, Supportive Relationship
At the heart of all forms of education is the important role of strong personal relationships. Children are not simply empty vessels needing to be filled — they are intelligent, creative beings eager to express new questions and ideas. The key to encouraging this innate intelligence lies in creating a caring, supportive relationship. In the very structure of our lessons, we encourage the involvement of both the family and the community, encouraging a network of learning relationships to support the young learner.