North Carolinians for Home Education (NCHE)
NCHE is a private, volunteer organization active at the state level, serving North Carolina homeschoolers.
In 1984, NCHE was organized to support and encourage home educators and to protect the right to freely home educate in North Carolina.
From a small group of concerned parents, NCHE has grown into an increasingly stronger statewide service organization.
NCHE is a representative organization governed by a board of seven officers elected by all NCHE members and 12 regional directors, elected by the NCHE members in each region.
NCHE is operated on the basis of Biblical principles and living faith, welcoming members of all races, nationalities, and religions who subscribe to the NCHE ideals.
NCHE's Primary Purposes:
To protect the freedom to educate children at home
To provide encouragement and support to families choosing home education for their children
To promote home education as an excellent educational alternative
Our Ideals:
The following ideals establish our vision for this organization:
educational excellence
parental authority and responsibility for education
protection and promotion of the family
diligence in moral and ethical instruction
responsible citizenship
freedom of choice among educational alternatives and
defense of constitutional rights
Membership in NCHE is available to all residents of North Carolina who pledge to uphold the ideals of NCHE and comply with the North Carolina home school law.
NCHE is supported financially by the regular contributions of its members. You may become a member by paying a yearly membership fee of $25, or:
3 Year: $60
5 Year: $90
Lifetime: $250
