North Carolina Homeschool Law
Complying with the State of North Carolina Homeschool Law
Legal Requirements For Operating A Home School In North Carolina
During the 1988 session of the North Carolina General Assembly, Article 39 of chapter 115C of the General Statutes was amended to allow home instruction, under certain conditions, as a means of complying with compulsory school attendance requirements. The following is a summary of that law.
Home school - A non-public school in which one or more children of not more than two families or households receive academic instruction from parents or legal guardians, or a member of either household.
Duly authorized representative of the state - the Director, Division of Non-Public Education or his staff.
Notify the Department of Administration, Division of Non-Public Education of your intent to operate a school and include your school name, and name of chief administrator.
Certify that the persons providing the academic instruction hold at least a high school diploma or its equivalent.
Maintain attendance records on each student.
Maintain immunization records on each student.
Operate on a regular schedule, excluding reasonable holidays and vacations, during at least nine calendar months of the year.
Administer a nationally standardized test, or other equivalent measurement, that measures achievement in the areas of English grammar, reading, spelling, and math, to every student each year, and maintain the results on file for one year, subject to inspection by a duly authorized representative of the State.
Notify the Department of Administration, Division of Non-Public Education, when closing your school.
Requirements Exclusive:
No school meeting these requirements shall be subject to any other provision of law relating to education except requirements of law respecting immunization.
Notifying the State
If your child is 7, but not yet 16, or 16 and over and planning to drive, you will need to file with the state a "Notice of Intent to Operate a School." Contact the Division of Non-Public Education (DNPE) and request a homeschool packet or download it from their web site. You will also need to locate your high school or college diploma, or an equivalent. When the form is filed, DNPE will send a postcard to acknowledge its receipt. It is important to keep this card. You are now in compliance with the law.
Department of Administration
Rod Helder, Director
NC Division of Non-Public Education
1309 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1309
(919) 733-4276
Note: NCHE is not affiliated with NC Division of Non-Public Education nor any other government agency or organization.
This summary is intended as a guide and not legal advice. Check for updates regularly.
