New Hampshire Homeschooling Coalition (NHHC)
The NHHC welcomes you. With over 4000 homeschooled students in New Hampshire, the statewide New Hampshire Homeschooling Coalition functions as an important source of information. We have two members on the Home Education Advisory Council (HEAC), and we work hard to represent homeschoolers' viewpoints at the New Hampshire Department of Education. The Coalition also publishes the New Hampshire Home Education Guidebook, a valuable reference guide which includes information about the New Hampshire home education law and rules, comprehensive resource lists, and encouraging essays and articles written by homeschooling parents, and provides a bi-monthly newsletter, soon available online. Another way we offer support is through our annual workshops and other events.
The NHHC is organized and run by volunteers. The Board of Representatives is member-selected and meets quarterly to discuss Coalition business. Please come to a meeting of the Board of Representatives, see how our group works, and how you can help. The Coordinator, Jane Grady, 437-3547 can give you information about times and locations and details about volunteer opportunities. You can view the upcoming agenda, minutes of the most recent Board Meeting as well as our constitution and annual reports.
Membership in the NHHC is free! Please become a member and let us know what other things we can be doing to help New Hampshire homeschoolers. The NHHC is open to anyone interested in homeschooling. Please join or renew your membership today!
