New Hampshire Homeschool Support Groups
Homeschool Support Groups
Although there are more than 4000 homeschooled children in New Hampshire, sometimes it's difficult to locate homeschooling families if you don't know where to look for them! The NHHC has provided this list of local homeschool support groups to make it easier for you to connect with other homeschoolers in your area.
We know there are many more support groups out there than are currently listed on this page! If you would like to have your support group's information listed here -- or you would like to start a group in your area -- just drop us a line and we'd be happy to add your information to our web site.
Note: Call/email the group's contact person to confirm meeting dates/times! Support groups are very fluid organizations; contacts and meeting places/dates/times do change frequently. If you find any information on this page which is out-of-date, please let us know so we can make the necessary corrections.
Note: We do not specifically endorse or promote the views of the individuals, groups or organizations whose names are included as resources on the NHHC web site; such references are for your information and investigation only.
Catholics United for Home Education (CUHE)
13 ½ Parker Avenue
Manchester, NH 03102
CUHE was founded in 1989 as a statewide Catholic home education support group. Membership is available to Catholic families who teach their children at home or are interested in home education. Meetings and activities are held throughout the year at various locations around the state. These have included field trips, picnics, hikes, sledding parties, camping, major feast day celebrations and retreats.
Christian Home Educators of New Hampshire (CHENH)
P.O. Box 961
Manchester, NH 03105
CHENH was formed for the purpose of serving and supporting Christian home educators "in their obedience to the call of God to educate their children." Members are required to sign a statement of faith.
Relaxed Homeschoolers of New Hampshire
Relaxed Homeschoolers of New Hampshire is a social network of relaxed, eclectic homeschoolers living and learning in New Hampshire. Members might practice life learning or unschooling in some areas, follow interest-led unit studies in other areas, and loosely follow curriculum in yet others. In addition to online discussion, the network offers opportunities for arranging local co-ops, learning groups, and field trips. For an invitation to the site, which can be found at, contact Pam Stone at
Local Homeschooling Groups
Please, no solicitation of the individuals/groups listed below. Thank you.
Hearts for Home - a Christian homeschool support group which seeks to encourage, motivate and pray for each other. Activities are planned throughout the year for instruction, service and fellowship. Meets the first Saturday of the month (Sept.-June) from 9-11am at the Center Barnstead Christian Church, located on Rt. 126 near the junction of Rt. 28. Contact Gretchen Durack, 420 Sanborn Hill Rd., Epsom, NH 03234. Her phone number is 736-8849. (Please no calls after 8PM.)
Belknap/Lakes Region
Belknap/Lakes Region Christian Homeschoolers. Families joining each other for co-op classes and other activities. Our group caters to students in Jr/ High School. Networking is done through an e-mail loop. Contact Andrea Fithian Book lists & free resources at:
We are a group of homeschoolers in Claremont and surrounding towns that have been meeting for about a year now. We usually meet the first Monday evening of each month for group planning, information sharing, and support. We are working at getting a learning co-op off the ground, and we maintain a list serve for communication between meetings. For more information about the group, parents who homeschool or who are considering it can contact me, Karen, at 542-2054, or can email me at
Homeschool Support - a northern New Hampshire group which meets once a month at the Colebrook Town Library. Seeks to lend a hand to new homeschooling families and to develop resources for the group to use; hopes to organize field trips and project days. Contact Shauna Lawrence at 246-7190,
Concord Catholic Homeschoolers. We are a group of Catholic Home Schooling families who live in the Concord area. This group is for the purpose of supporting eachother in our home schooling endeavor, thru monthly meetings, field trips, Mass, and the like. We have a yahoo group: ConcordCHS . For more information, contact Mary Hope Rennie at or go directly to to join.
Concord Homeschool Group - inclusive homeschool support group for anyone interested in or currently homeschooling Contact Teresa Downey at 435-9981, for information.
Homeschooled Teens Together Club. We have a great group of over 40 wonderful homeschooled teenagers, who get together once a month with parents in tow. The teens have chosen 10 different activities for the year. So far we've also been bowling, and done nighttime capture the flag! If you and your teen (13 - 18) are interested in joining our club, you can contact Cheryl at
Valley Christian Home Educators meet monthly at Friendly's Restaurant. Contact Deb Haire for information, P.O. Box 185, Glen, NH 03838, 603-374-2305.
Derry/Londonderry/Windham/Salem Area
SHARES is an inclusive support group for homeschoolers living in Rockingham and Hillsborough counties (Southern New Hampshire Homeschooling Association for Resources, Encouragement & Support). We hold monthly parents’ meetings on the third Tuesday of each month from 7:00-8:00 p.m. at the Derry Public Library, and offer an online group for homeschooling questions, ideas, and activities. Contact Jane Grady at 437-3547 or for more information.
Little Explorers Homeschool Co-op, c/o Elizabeth Jette, PO Box 879, Glen, NH 03838
We have a monthly newsletter of events. Monthly mom's meetings are held the first Monday of the month for planning, support, Q&A, and fellowship. All are welcome to join us at 153 Tasker Hill Road, Conway.
Goffstown Homeschoolers. Meets every Wednesday from 1-3, either in the basement of St Matthews Episcopal in the Goffstown Center (across from Sully's) or at an agreed upon fieldtrip location. Open to all styles and approaches to homeschooling or unschooling.
Hampton Christian Homeschool Group offers monthly support group meeting on the third Monday of the month at 7:00 pm. Group activities are available throughout the school year. Join us to connect with others for learning, support, and friendship. For more information contact Valerie Abasciano at
The Hillsboro/Deering Homeschoolers (HDH) is an inclusive support group for homeschooling families in Hillsboro, Deering, Antrim, Bennington, and surrounding towns. We respect each other's various reasons for, and methods of, homeschooling. We have convenient "online meetings" and gather at various locations for socializing and/or field trips. Go to for information about joining this group.
St. Kathryn's Homeschool Group - Catholic support group out of Hudson NH welcomes all Catholics to join. For more information contact the church, 4 Dracut Rd., Hudson, 882-7793.
Keene Area Homeschool Network (KAHN) We are an inclusive group open to all homeschoolers.
Meeting every Tuesday and Wednesday in Keene and Marlborough for group activities, social time, parent support, field trips and other scheduled events.
Contacts: Dawn Lincoln,
Tina Hedin, Tuesday group,
Patricia Brennan, Wednesday group,
Email group:
LAMP Homeschoolers . An organization of Christian homeschoolers. Parents' meetings 2nd Tuesday of every month, September-May, 7 - 9 p.m. at Sturtevant Chapel, on Washington Street in Keene. Each month a different topic is discussed, with time for announcements, questions and fellowship. Contact Jeanine Collins,, 756-3618.
Lancaster area
Monthly meetings are being organized by Sheri Walker, 788-4514,
North Country Homeschoolers for Littleton and the surrounding area. Meetings once a month, call for more info. Kimberly Skidmore,, 444-0797.
Lighthouse Homeschool Co-op at Faith Community Bible Church in Loudon offers classes and fellowship. Go to for more information, class descriptions and exact location.
Madison/Mount Washington Valley
We are a homeschooling support group founded by the needs of Unschoolers to provide ample time and opportunity for children to be together, to play, to develop strong interpersonal relationships and solid friendships. contact Dayna Martin 367-4657
Manchester Area Homeschoolers - homeschooling support group for Manchester and surrounding areas. Offers monthly meetings at Barnes and Noble (3rd Sunday of the month), newsletter, field trips, and other organized activities. Yahoo group
Milford Area Homeschool Newsletter - Contact Christine Mukai, 672-2458, for inclusion to this Christian based homeschool newsletter and support information.
Monadnock Area
Monadnock Homeschool Network
Nashua-based Welcoming Homeschool Group. Meeting at the Nashua Public Library's Theater on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the months September - May. The time of this event is 10am-11:30am and the cost is FREE!
Please bring a quiet (this is the library after all...) game or art & craft activity to share with the
group. This is intended to be an unstructured, fun time for homeschooled children to connect with others, while their parents/guardians share stories and ideas. Feel free to drop in once in a while, or come every week! We are a welcoming group. We respect each other's various reasons for, and methods of, homeschooling. Contact info: Jenn Morton,
"Salt and Light" a homeschool support group with members located in the Nashua area (Merrimack, Hollis, Hudson and Nashua) Though most members come from a Christian background/faith we are an inclusive group and require no statements of faith. During the "School year" the moms meet once a month for support, to share ideas and curriculum and to plan events involving our children. For more information contact Anita Reeves at
New London
New London Area Homeschoolers. All homeschoolers in New London and surrounding towns are
welcome. We meet regularly during the school year for play dates, parent support, and public speaking. More info at or contact Susan Brown, 763-3063, susan at (please assemble the address for it to work).
NHA(Newport Homeschool Association) and we meet bi-weekly to set up field trips, events and to support each other! Contact Paul Carl @ or Tanna Cota at
In Northfield, NH at the Hall Memorial Library there will be a homeschool chat from 1-230 the 4th Tuesday of each month. The children will have a craft and social time while the parents get together for support, engouragement etc. Your local homeschool coalition rep will also be present. Please visit the website for more information at
Pelham Homeschoolers, Meets every 2nd Friday of the month at Crossroads Baptist church 1-3. All homeschoolers in the Pelham/Windham area are welcome to join secular group
Contact information: Michele Savoy,, 548-0005
The Timberlane Community Homeschool Group holds monthly parents meetings, various annual events, including Biography Night and a History Fair, as well as other social activities. We currently have members in Atkinson, Danville, Hampstead, Newton, Plaistow, Sandown and Salem. Please call Katherine at 362-6358 for more information.
White Mountain Christian Homeschool group- monthly meetings, lots of group activities, and on-going support through email. Contact
Catholic Homeschoolers Uniting Religion, Community and Home (CHURCH)
Serving the greater Rochester and Seacoast area. All are welcome. FMI Mary
Lubatti, 207-339-8897 or email
Seacoast Christian Home Educators Association
SCHEA is a Christian based home school support group meeting in Rochester, New Hampshire. We currently have active members from throughout Strafford and Rockingham counties in N.H. and York County in Maine. We meet normally at Christ the King Church in Rochester, N. H. on the first Monday of the month from 7PM - 9PM. We invite newcomers to join us for both information and fellowship. We encourage both parents when possible to attend as home schooling is a team effort. For more information please visit our website or email us at:
Rockingham County
(Eclectic Homeschoolers of NH (EHNH)
The purpose of this group is to network with other homeschooling families in New Hampshire, particularly Rockingham County (however anyone who cares to travel to join us, regardless of location, is welcome!). We welcome everyone regardless of race, religion, lifestyle, ability levels, socioeconomic status or style of learning. Our hope is to utilize this group to get to know one another and eventually come together for a weekly gathering. We feel it is very important for our children (and ourselves!!) to be able to have an outlet for fun and learning with people who value homeschooling as we do. If you have questions, please email eclectic nhhomeschooler at yahoo dot com (please assemble the email address for it to work).
Seacoast Area
Seacoast HS Coop - A support network for homeschooling families with cooperatively planned group activities, classes, clubs and opportunities to meet and socialize with other homeschoolers. Support group meetings are the third Wednesday of the month. Contact seacoast-hs at (please assemble the email address for it to work).
Fresh Air Friends meets weekly at the Seacoast Science Center in Rye, NH, on Tuesday afternoon. Our vision is to create an opportunity for home-educated families to gather weekly for recreational activities with a focus on enjoying the great outdoors. This is a cooperative group where all parents are expected to help in some way. So please bring your great kids, your enthusiasm and love for the beauty of our seacoast. Contact Jeanne Fogg at for membership information.
Seacoast Homeschooling Connection is a place for parents of using a structured approach to homeschooling to ask and answer homeschooling related questions, share creative ideas for teaching and learning, share vendor recommendations, sell or trade used books, and participate in age appropriate playgroups and educational activity groups in the Seacoast NH area.
Greater Seacoast Area Homeschool Newsletter List: This email newsletter includes field trips, classes, activities, classified advertisements, and information of interest to homeschoolers. Information is gathered from a wide variety of sources. Everyone is encouraged to send announcements for the newsletter. In addition, those on the email list receive a List of
On-going Groups and Activities in the Greater Seacoast Area (updated as needed), and an annual list (in the spring) of local evaluators and tests that can be administered at home. Contact Jeanne Fogg at
Southern NH
Learn, Explore, Adventure & Play, take the LEAP into unschooling! We are a support group for parents/guardians of unschoolers. We are pretty relaxed about pretty much everything. We are a secular (non-religious- affiliated) group.We have regular park days, seasonal parties, field trips, "meet & greets," volunteer opportunities, and other events. Join us and help expand our circle with the goal of our kids being a part of a larger group of kids who are "in the same boat"! We're looking to
shatter the image of the loney, socially awkward homeschooler who knows nobody else like him/herself. We want our kids to feel like *they* are the norm and have a huge group of unschooled friends to prove it!
The Strafford Homeschool Cooperative meets on Friday afternoons in Strafford, NH during the traditional school year for academic classes and enrichment opportunities. We are a secular group that is open to all who want to actively contribute to the coop through teaching, organizing, or in
general helping. We are homeschool families learning together! Email Sue at
Teen Reading Group for Tilton/ Northfield area. If you have teens interested in getting together to read and socialize once a week or even do some project together, email
Upper Valley, NH/VT
Upper Valley Homeschoolers meet at W. Lebanon Congregational Church on Maple St. in W. Lebanon, every Wednesday from 9:30-1, for classes and social time. Families come from throughout the Upper Valley, in both New Hampshire and Vermont. Please contact Dale Shields at 603-632-5290 or; or Dave Kovaka at 603-298-2993 or Faye Grearson at 603-443-5131.
We are starting a group, called "Country Village Homeschoolers" to serve the Greater Wakefield, Milton, Acton, ME and surrounding areas. Contact info: Karen Flynn-Schlieman (603) 522-9988 PO Box 162 Sanbornville, NH 03872 or Julie Taliaferro (603) 473-8658. We are looking for families in our area interested in gathering regularly and in getting together for fieldtrips.
Kearsarge Mountain Homeschoolers - support group for Warner, Sutton, Henniker, Bradford, Contoocook and surrounding area. Contact Karen at 746-3656 for more information.
Weare Home Educators (WHE) is a support group for homeschoolers in Weare and surrounding towns. Parents meet the second Tuesday of every month, in the evening, to share ideas and encourage one another. We provide opportunities for our children to participate in a wide range of activities. We meet weekly on Wednesday afternoons for play time, field trips, classes, YMCA, holiday parties and fun. This time is designed to allow moms/dads and children to form lasting friendships. WHE also provides the children with opportunities for public speaking through the annual Science Fair and Expo. WHE simply supports Homeschooling...we respect both faith-based and secular viewpoints, from unschooling to traditional modes. Come participate in a relaxed, friendly environment. For more information, please contact Melissa at or see our website
LD TALK Homeschool support group that meets the second Saturday of the month at Christ Community Church in Weare, NH. We are parents who share ideas, tips, support, and challenges about educating and raising our children with learning differences and special needs. We meet from 10:00am-12:00noon at CCC. All are welcome to attend. For more information call Laura at 529-4704.
West Lebanon
Upper Valley Homeschoolers meet at W. Lebanon Congregational Church on Maple St. in W. Lebanon, every Wednesday from 9:30-1, for classes and social time. Families come from throughout the Upper Valley, in both New Hampshire and Vermont. Please contact Dale Shields at 603-632-5290 or; or Dave Kovaka at 603-298-2993 or Faye Grearson at 603-443-5131.
C.H.O.S.E.N.(Christian Homeschoolers Offering Support Encouragement and Networking)
Meets for playtime/get-together on Thursday afternoons 2:30 to 4:30pm for families at Good News Bibile Church in Wilton, NH. Monthly support meetings are held on the fourth Monday evening from 7:00 -9:00 for adults, with differing topics and speakers. For more information, contact Jennifer at 654-4038 or Melissa at 924-7968.
Winnipesaukee Home Education Resources and Encouragement (WHERE), an all-inclusive support group for the Wolfeboro/Tuftonboro/Alton/Ossipee/Wakefield area holds monthly parents' meeting and ongoing classes and events. Call or email for meeting times and info, Marybeth Wadlinger, 569-6401,
St. Katharine Drexel Parish Homeschool Coop
A group of catholic homeschooling families interested in keeping the faith alive for their children. We meet on the first and third Friday of each month from 8 am until 12 pm. Email or call Katy Peternel 569-4250 for more information.
Visit the link for an up-to-date list of statewide support groups in New Hampshire.
