Indiana Association of Home Educators - IAHE
The IAHE is a non-profit organization founded in 1983 for the purpose of serving the Lord Jesus Christ through supporting and encouraging families interested in home education. Our primary functions are maintaining visibility as home educators with civil government leaders, influencing the legislative process, and sponsoring seminars for parent education. We also publish a free bimonthly magazine, The IAHE Informer. Our statewide annual convention serves to encourage those who have been homeschooling for a number of years and those who are just getting started. This annual event offers a large number of workshops and an exhibit hall filled with curriculum and other helpful materials.
The IAHE is made up of a volunteer board of directors (six homeschooling couples) and 16 regional representative couples. The regional representatives are in direct contact with local support groups, serving our families and state as efficiently as possible. Please feel free to contact your regional representative for more information concerning activities in your area.
Our major source of income is our annual convention, but with the growth of the home education movement, both our needs and responsibilities continue to grow. We welcome your tax deductible contributions.
Contact Us
Indiana Association of Home Educators
320 East Main Street
Greenfield, Indiana 46140
