Independent Study High School - Univ. of Nebraska (Gr. 9-12)
The University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL) is one of the nation's leading teaching colleges. As a land-grant institution chartered in 1869, UNL provides leadership in education and research, benefiting the state of Nebraska and the world.
The University of Nebraska–Lincoln Independent Study High School became the first university-based high school program, established in 1929 to create additional opportunities for rural students and for those who could not attend a traditional school. Learn more about our history.
Curriculum at the Independent Study High School supports students in the development of skills, attitudes and knowledge that will enable them to be thoughtful and committed citizens, functioning successfully in the endeavors they choose.
Because the Independent Study High School has a global student body, the rigorous curriculum reflects the realization that students come from many different countries, states, ethnic backgrounds and cultures. Instructional materials emphasize a global approach to content and activities, particularly relevant in our world today.
Course Development
Our courses provide students with the opportunity to develop lifelong learning habits, truly offering an individualized study approach that fits the learning styles of many different kinds of students.
The self-paced, independent study distance methodology teaches project management, time management, and self-discipline skills—skills that research has shown are significantly more important to success than IQ, in predicting grades in high school or participation in post-secondary education.
