Illinois Homeschool Law
Illinois offers freedom for home educators!
Illinois law requires that students between the ages of 7 and 17 attend a public school (increased in 2004), or else attend a private or parochial school where the branches of education are taught in the English language to children of the same age and grade as in the public schools.
In 1950, the Illinois Supreme Court ruled that homeschools are to be considered as private schools. In "People vs. Levisen" the court ruled that a private school is:
"a place where instruction is imparted to the young
. . . the number of persons being taught does not determine whether a place is a school."
In 1974, the US District Court stated in the case "Scoma vs. Chicago Board of Education" that the "Levisen" decision was "reasonable and constitutional." So, as long as you are teaching the branches of education in the English language, at the proper level for your child, then you are complying with the laws of Illinois concerning education.
In Illinois, you enjoy the freedom to shape your school day and your curriculum for your children's specific needs and talents. Illinois government does not require testing, evaluation, or special oversight.
ICHE & Legal Representation
ICHE participates as a member of the Ad Hoc Committee for Illinois Home Education Legal and Legislative Matters. Other organizations which are also members of Ad Hoc are: Home Oriented Unique Schooling Experience (HOUSE); Christian Liberty Academy (CLA); Clonlara Home Based Education Program (HBEP).
This committee is dedicated to protecting private Home Schools from state regulations which infringe upon the liberty of parents in the education of their children. Through Ad Hoc, ICHE has representation on The Illinois Advisory Committee on Non-Public Schools.
Along with other Ad Hoc members, ICHE has presented workshops for Regional Superintendents, Truant Officers, and other public school officials, and has testified before legislative committees.
Other Homeschool Legal Organizations
The Home School Legal Defense Association is a advocacy organization established to defend and advance the constitutional right of parents to direct the education of their children and to protect family freedoms. ICHE recommends membership in HSLDA. Visit their web site for more information about this vital organization.
Christian Home Educators Coalition of Illinois is a state organization whose purpose is to preserve homeschooling liberties in the state of Illinois. This is a great way to keep locally involved. Check out their web site for more information about this Illinois 'watchdog' organization.
PO Box 47322
Chicago, IL 60647-0673
Voice/Fax: 773-278-0673
This summary is intended as a guide and not legal advice.
Check for updates regularly.
