Homeschoolers of Wyoming - H.O.W.
The purpose of HOW
The Purpose of H.O.W. (Homeschoolers of Wyoming) is to provide support and further the interests of family-funded, parent-directed home education of children. The support provides a network for legislative purposes, newsletters, conventions, and activities. Membership in HOW is $20 and is open to all family-funded, parent-directed home educating families in Wyoming. The leadership is Christian directed and lead, consisting of couples serving as board of directors. These officials advise and inform the county contacts throughout the state. The county contacts volunteer to pass on information and help those in their county. Local support groups are very loosely structured in most cases. We encourage home educating families to join HOW, HSLDA, and their local support group. Please read below for more information. If you have any questions, contact the HOW office.
HOW members are eligible to use the HOW group discount number when joining Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), the discount is $20. HSLDA members may also download a form exclusively for Wyoming homeschooling when notifying your local school district of your intent to home educate; thus simplifying the process greatly.
The HOW website offers information to help new homeschoolers get started, links to homeschool resources, an events page of activities around the state, and legislative alerts are posted on the home page.
HOW E-News (a monthly e-newsletter) is designed to encourage and inform home educating families through the year.
The annual HOW Convention provides speakers, workshops, used book sale, exhibit hall to view curriculum and materials, and an opportunity to fellowship with other home educating families. As a bonus, members will receive a $10 discount on their adult convention registration, if they become HOW members by January 1st of that convention year.
The HOW legislative liaison monitors legislative happenings in Wyoming and works closely with HSLDA to protect home educating freedoms and to defeat offensive legislation. HOW sends out alerts through the E-Newsletter.
If you are not currently a member of HOW, please consider helping support Wyoming home education by joining as a HOW member.
