Homeschool Alliance of Iowa Learners - HAIL
HAIL is a grass roots, non-partisan homeschool lobby group dedicated to having
an inclusive lobbyist working for Iowa Homeschoolers at the State Capitol.
This resource is designed to assist homeschool families and their state legislators
communicate with each other on Iowa homeschooling issues.

HAIL's Mission:
Maintain an inclusive Homeschool Lobbyist at the State Capitol.
Empower families to advocate for their own homeschooling rights
HAIL is open to all Iowa Homeschoolers regardless of homeschool method, assessment option, involvement with a school district's HSAP or dual enrollment, religion, or political party. Check HAIL often for new information. The Iowa Legislation, Lobbyist Updates and In the News areas will have up to date information about what's going in with Iowa Homeschool legislation and Homeschool news from around the US.
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