Home Education Information Resource - HEIR
HEIR of Georgia
A statewide, all-volunteer organization working to ensure that
the people of Georgia and their government recognize home study,
freely practiced in its diverse forms, as a legitimate choice and
value it as a positive force for improving the quality of education.
We are non-partisan and non-sectarian.
About HEIR
Established in March of 1997, HEIR is a statewide, non-partisan, non-sectarian, volunteer-only organization working to ensure that the people of Georgia and their government recognize home study, freely practiced in its diverse forms, as a legitimate choice and value it as a positive force for improving the quality of education. HEIR operates fully as an all-volunteer organization composed of caring homeschool parents who donate their time and resources to HEIR. We monitor the Georgia General Assembly from start to finish every year and network with legislators and policymakers throughout the state all year long to protect homeschool freedom in Georgia. HEIR is a one-issue group. We exist to further the interests of home educators in the state of Georgia. HEIR collects and disseminates information freely in order to help unite and, if necessary, mobilize the entire home education community of Georgia. We believe heartily in the right and duty of each citizen to participate in his own government, and to that end, a great deal of our energy is spent teaching other home educators effective ways to have their voices heard.
HEIR is a 501c4 civic league - donations to HEIR are not tax-deductible. This leaves HEIR free to do as much lobbying as needed to preserve homeschooling freedoms uninhibited by IRS regulations and limits on tax-deductible organizations.
