Global Village School
Global Village School offers a progressive, accredited, customizable K-12 homeschooling program via online and text-based curriculum, complete with individualized teacher services. Our high school homeschool diploma courses integrate peace, justice, and diversity studies with the core subjects. We are an international school; we welcome students from around the globe.
Our values include peace, compassion, justice, sustainability, community, integrity, appreciation of diversity, caring for the Earth and our fellow beings, creativity, and living an authentic and meaningful life.
Our approach is creative and flexible. We believe that students learn best when they are fully engaged in their studies. We encourage self-directed learning rather than trying to make everyone study in the same way. We customize curriculum based on student interests, needs, and learning styles. We believe in engaging students in studies that inspire inquiry, encourage communication, and foster cooperation. We endeavor to support the development of thoughtful, compassionate and aware people who will provide a constructive and hopeful foundation for future generations (click here to read student and parent testimonials).
