Five in a Row - Unit Study Curriculum
Five in a Row is more than just a set of lesson plans. It's an approach to learning that will forever change how both you, and your children view education, books and teaching. Tested by more than 50,000 families over the past 13 years who have all shared the amazing discovery of Five in a Row with one another by word of mouth. Five in a Row isn't a product to be advertised, sold and marketed, but rather a secret to be shared with your best friend. Explore this website, explore the message boards and ask questions. You'll receive honest, real-life answers from other moms who have successfully gone before you on the journey of homeschooling. Other programs have elaborate philosophies and glowing educational objectives, but Five in a Row has the solid testimony of 50,000 moms who have discovered what works- and what doesn't. Five in a Row produces extraordinary results... for ordinary moms... in the real world.
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