Explorers on the Web

Antarctic Explorers
Cabeza de Vaca
Christopher Columbus
David Livingstone
Estevanico the Moor
Ferdinand Magellan
Francisco Coronado
Frederick Cook
Henry Hudson
Henry Morton Stanley
Henry the Navigator
Hernan Cortes
Hernando de Soto
James Cook
John Cabot
John Hanning Speke
John Wesley Powell
Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo
Leif Ericsson
Lewis and Clark
Marco Polo
Matthew Henson
Other Explorers
Pierre Le Moyne Iberville
Ponce de Leon
Richard Byrd
Roald Amundsen
Samuel Hearne
Samuel de Champlain
Sir Ernest Shackleton
Sir Francis Drake
Sir Richard Francis Burton
Thor Heyerdahl
William Dampier

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