Evolution... this view of Life (Gr. 9-12)
Does evolutionary theory explain how life began? Is evolution a random process? Can organisms sense a need to evolve? Do individuals evolve? Does evolution result in perfection? Are biologists split on evolution? The answer to these questions (No) often surprises people. This project aims to clear up these and other common misconceptions, and present a coherent explanation of the many facets of evolutionary theory.

The aim of this project is to present the topic of evolution in a scientifically accurate manner that avoids technical language, but that also avoids potentially misleading colloquial language. It strives to be accessible to the non-scientist and so it represents a general outline, merely scratching the surface of the large body of research in the many facets of this topic. For more detailed information, see the references.

As an instructor for a college freshman-level biology course, I became aware that the theory of evolution is widely misunderstood by the general public. As many have noted, this is not because the theory is a conceptually difficult one. Indeed, it would be difficult to find a simpler one with such broad explanatory power. However, researchers often use highly technical language that is lost on many readers. In addition, in attempting to explain how evolution works, scientists and journalists alike often use colloquial language that can be misread as asserting (for example) that evolution is under the conscious control of individuals, that individuals can evolve, that evolution is goal-oriented, or that it results in perfection. This, coupled with deliberate attempts at obfuscation by anti-evolution groups using popular media, has created much confusion and even disdain for this extremely well-supported explanation of biological diversity.

The author: Michael Kreuzer, Jr. earned a Ph.D. in Biology from Idaho State University in 2001.
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