Discoverers Web
Information found on the web about voyages of discovery and exploration.

Explorers by period or region
The ancient world
This subject now is divided into separate pages with more extensive information:
The first explorers (including Egypt, Crete)
Phoenicia and Carthage
Greek explorers
The Roman period
The Medieval period
This subject now is divided into separate pages with more extensive information:
Irish and Vikings
The Medieval period (Asiatic and other voyages in the period 1100-1350)
The Age of Discovery
The first part of this subject now is divided into separate pages with more extensive information:
The coast of Africa
The Portuguese empire (including the first voyages to India)
Christophorus Columbus (Cristóbal Colón)
Other early voyages to America: See North and Central America
North America
South America
The medieval period
The Portuguese empire
The Pacific and Australia
The Polar Regions
Non-Western Explorers
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