Delaware Home Education Association - DHEA
"Serving and supporting Homeschooling in Delaware without regard to political, philosophical, or theological beliefs."

DHEA is a non-profit, all volunteer association of Delaware homeschoolers. We direct our efforts toward the following:

Promote homeschooling in the State of Delaware to maintain the least restrictive environment in which to homeschool.
Interact with the Legislature and Department of Education on homeschooling issues.
Provide information to homeschoolers in Delaware so that they can interact with their elected representatives on homeschooling issues.
Volunteers are always needed and welcome! Please check the meeting schedule and join us.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us. You may send an email using the Officer links below, or if you are not on your home computer, use the Contact Us link to send us your request. Thank you for your interest and participation.
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