Curriculum Services
CURRICULUM SERVICES is the mail order division of L-CIPSSI Schools. CURRICULUM SERVICES sells complete programs (K-12) through the mail to home educators across the country.

L-CIPSSI Schools, a private school system registered with the Florida Board of Education, offers enrollment to Kindergarten -12th grade Florida students and to high school students outside of Florida for the purpose of obtaining a diploma. You do not need to enroll to purchase curriculum, the heart of parent directed education. L-CIPSSI (pronounced el•kip´•see) is an acronym for Lee County Independent Private School System Inc., a non profit private school corporation founded in 1982. Its primary purpose is to assist parents who choose to educate their children.

Kathleen Sprafka director of Schools and Services
Our Criteria, Our Policy,

Our Criteria
Curriculum Services has devoted much time and effort researching numerous publishing companies and providers who supply educational materials for the public and non-religious private schools. Taking into consideration the needs and wants of home educators we established the following criteria in our ongoing effort to select the finest materials best suited for home education.

The texts were selected based on the following criteria:

þ Work-texts (It has been found studying with write-in texts raises student performance; work-texts are 98% of the texts offered)

þ Visual appeal - textbooks should not be too busy or too plain

þ Cost effective

þ Appropriate and available teacher's supplies for 3rd grade and above

þ Proper length (too brief - subject matter is not comprehensive; too heavy - presents too much material for the 36 school year)

þ Current content (especially vital in social studies, career education, business education, economics, consumer economics, etc.)

þ Ease of use; self contained write-in texts are preferred; also course materials should not consist of a barrage of items to juggle

þ Self-teaching materials; directions & explanations are found in the student's texts, not in a separate teacher's edition or manual.

þ Sound and proven educational concepts; e.g.: new concepts must be deemed superior & not due to being the latest trend

þ Screened for questionable concepts; e.g.: dictation of social/family values, new new math, sex education, goals 2000

Manipulatives were selected based on the following criteria:

þ Value in demonstrating concepts

þ Child appeal

þ Cost effectiveness

þ Sound educational value based on universal educators

þ Value based on the test of time, not trendy

þ Completes or complements academic concepts taught

Specially created teacher's materials are provided based on the following criteria:

þ To provide weekly course schedules and other scheduling guidelines which break-up course materials into weekly lessons

þ To provided valuable, transferable, and easy-to-use record keeping materials

þ To educate you, the parent-educator, on the how s and why s of home schooling

þ To educate you, the parent-educator, in taking an active role in your child's education without major time commitment

þ To educate you, the parent-educator, on how to teach your student to master course materials using our four step process

þ To provide you, the parent-educator, with techniques on how to become an effective teacher in a fraction of the time

þ To provide each student with consumable test booklets where needed

þ To provide notebooks to accompany courses where needed

þ To provide help on administering tests without fear while maximizing achievement

þ To provide log books to document courses which otherwise would go unrecognized

þ To provide materials list for science activities where needed

This criteria, nearly two decades in the making and refining, is part of what makes Curriculum Services unique. We thought you should know.

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