Connecticut Homeschool Network
Mission Statement:
CT Homeschool Network (CHN) is Connecticut's statewide information and support network. We are an independent, online-based homeschooling organization, which serves to inform, empower, and foster community among home educators in the state of Connecticut. CHN is completely inclusive, welcoming everyone of all races, religions, lifestyles, abilities and disabilities, and learning methodologies.
How this website helps fulfill our mission:
This site provides information about how to get started, educational approaches to consider, and the legalities of homeschooling in Connecticut. By becoming familiar with and confident in this accurate information, homeschooling parents find the empowerment needed to embark upon this wonderful journey. On these pages you will also learn where to find support and other homeschoolers with whom you can network and form a community. If you still have questions after reading through this site, please contact a support group leader, or an attorney.
Who we are:
CHN is a corporation, with 501(c)(3) non-profit status. Founded as a network in 1995, CHN incorporated in 2002, and is served by a Board of Directors. Our bylaws can be found here (pdf) and a list of our current board members can be found here. All board members and support group leaders are volunteers, running CHN and the local communities within the state from our homes, while homeschooling our own children. Becoming part of this important endeavor is as simple as volunteering to do so.