Computational Science Education Reference Desk-CSERD
Extensive Resource of e-learning tools by available by sorting Subject, Grade Level, Lesson, Acitivity or Game.

What is CSERD?

The Computational Science Education Reference Desk CSERD, a Pathways project of the National Science Digital Library and funded by the National Science Foundation, aims to help students learn about computational science and to help teachers incorporate it into the classroom.
CSERD attempts to:
→ Collect a catalog of quality resources from across the internet.
→ Provide a forum for the Verification, Validation, and Accreditation of catalog items both by users and by expert reviewers.
→ Create original computational science resources for use in education.

What are CSERD Resources?

The Resources section of the site is a permanent collection of computational science education materials. Materials in the resources section are freely available over the internet, and have a consistent structure.
Categories of CSERD Resources
→ Models are pieces of scientific software.
→ Activities are lessons and lesson plans that use Models.
→ Tutorials are short courses designed to teach a specific topic.
→ Courses contain multiple activities or modules, and are meant to span a period of time longer than typically required for a single activity.

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