Christian Home Educators of Kentucky -CHEK
Christian Home Educators of Kentucky (CHEK) is a statewide home schooling educational and informational organization established to assist families who choose to educate their children according to the dictates of their conscience and their fundamental rights as parents. CHEK's goal is to better equip home schoolers with the necessary skills, tools, and information to successfully fulfill their convictions and the God-mandated responsibility to train and educate their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. CHEK represents over 1100 + family members. In addition, we have approximately 3000 families across the Commonwealth of Kentucky on our mailing list. CHEK Directors, Bro. Joe Adams and Bro. Don Woolett, their wives and Associate Directors Gene and Sandy Lawson and Scott and Devonne Bolin, are volunteers working diligently to protect the conscientious rights of parents to control the education and upbringing of their children according to Biblical principles and Constitutional liberties.
