Christian Home Education Fellowship of Alabama - CHEF
The Christian Home Education Fellowship of Alabama was formed in 1988 with the mission to encourage home educators by providing information and resources and to promote a safe legal environment for home schooling in Alabama.
CHEF is a nonprofit corporation under IRC § 501(c)(4). That means we are organized as a community development organization with emphasis in education from the Christian perspective. This type of organization allows us to provide services as a nonprofit tax-exempt entity while giving us the freedom to speak to legislative and public policy issues that might affect our constituency. We accept donations as a non-profit organization, but these donations are not tax deductible because of our § 501(c)(4) status.
CHEF is governed by a self-perpetuating volunteer board of veteran home educators from across Alabama. Each family unit on the board has been active in local leadership for a number of years and brings to the board a wealth of experience in Christian home education.
