CT: Edu. Assoc. of Christian Homeschoolers (T.E.A.C.H.)
The Education Association of Christian Homeschoolers (T.E.A.C.H.)
The purpose of TEACH is to further the interests of home education of children by their parents. To accomplish this, TEACH shall provide service and information to homeschooling families and support groups in Connecticut. All sponsored activities and publications will be consistently Christian and dedicated to the honor and glory of God in keeping with the Biblical commands of Deuteronomy 6:4-10, Proverbs 22:6, and Ephesians 6:4.
The purpose of TEACH is not to represent, or speak for, all home educators in Connecticut or even all Christian home educators in Connecticut. Nor is TEACH a governing or certifying body for home educators. The focus is to provide information and services to home educators. TEACH will sponsor a variety of activities to accomplish its purpose. These activities will include, but are not limited to:
Aiding in the creation and growth of home education support groups throughout Connecticut.
Providing information regarding the legal climate of home education in Connecticut and in our nation.
Actively working to protect the future freedoms of home education in Connecticut and in our nation.
Promoting the advantages of home education over alternative forms of education outside the home.
Helping to promote sound, high-quality home education programs for home educators that assists them in meeting their children's spiritual, intellectual, physical and emotional needs.
Reviewing and disseminating home education materials and information considered vital to home educators.
Supporting accurate home education research and its publication.
Planning and conducting periodic state home education conventions and other educational opportunities for home educators or potential home educators.
