Bookeen eReader - Special Offer
Tired of paying $350
or more for an ereader?
Get $100 off a Bookeen
EReader by buying $100 in
e-books by May 31st, 2009.

We've worked out a deal with our hardware partner, Bookeen, whereby if a given customer spends $100 on our store then we will email them a code for $100 toward a Bookeen ereader.

You have probably been hearing a lot about the Amazon Kindle and ereaders. They are great products and selling "like hotcakes".

However, at $350 per unit, it's asking a consumer a lot to purchase such a device even if you are a heavy reader. We think this will play well to someone who is a heavy reader and value conscious.

Below are the specifics for the program:

Start date: 4/28/2009
End Date: 5/31/09 (perhap extended to June)
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