Book Samaritan
(NOTE FROM H.E.L.P. ADMINISTRATOR: Apparently this site has had connection issues from time to time (as noted in blog notes from 2007 & 2008). I visited & reviewed the site in late April, 2009 so hopefully it will be back up soon. I'm particularly hopeful since I would like to donate resources.)

Welcome to The Book Samaritan!
We provide free books and curriculum to homeschoolers.

There's nothing like homeschooling! It can be exhilarating, chaotic
and rewarding all at once. But when a tight budget limits a
homeschooler's ability to obtain the curriculum they need,
homeschooling can quickly become frustrating!

Expenses can be enormous for homeschooling families:
They are usually single-income households;

Books and curriculum for multiple children can really add up;

School supplies, field trips and supplemental materials are
the sole financial responsibility of the family.

Unexpected events can make things particularly difficult.

A lost job, illness, divorce or other "surprise" can really rock a
homeschooling family's foundation. Often, a family that was once
deeply committed to homeschooling must reconsider its options.

We want to help.

We provide books and curriculum to families who have financial
needs. If you have budgetary constraints that are hindering your
ability to provide your children with the best possible curriculum
choices, please let us help.

Homeschoolers help us, too!

We recognize that for those homeschoolers who are more financially
secure, our services are not necessary. If this applies to you, we
thank you for not requesting materials. Instead, we humbly ask that
you consider a donation of your used curriculum. We rely on your
Cindy White says: 2009-06-08 08:26:19
I can not get this link to work

Carol Haxo, Administrator says: 2009-06-10 07:22:22
Apparently this site has had connection issues from time to time (blog notes from 2007 & 2008). I visited & reviewed the site in late April, 2009 so hopefully it will be back up soon. I''m particularly hopeful since I would like to donate resources.

Comments: 2