Basic Geography Videos from HowStuffWorks
How Stuff Works Videos:
Below is a short sampling of 'Basic Geography' videos in their comprehensive geography video library.
 Land Mass Motion Time: 00:27 Land mass movements usually take place on steep slopes during heavy rainfalls.
 Maps Are Tools To Observe The World Time: 00:44 This introductory chapter indicates the need for various methods of reporting data about the Earth. Globes, maps and graphs are investigated in this cross-curricular (mathematics and social studies) video.
 Weathering Time: 00:44 Weathering changes the land over time.
 Review Of Maps And Other Tools Time: 00:54 This chapter reinforces the importance of globes, maps and graphs.
 Cardinal Directions Time: 01:13 This section defines cardinal directions and explains how to find these on a globe, relative to the North and South Poles.
 Defining Climate Time: 01:18 In this video, climate is defined and different types of climate are shown.
 Horizontal Bar Graphs Time: 01:20 In a horizontal bar graph, the information runs horizontally.
 Vertical Bar Graphs Time: 01:30 In a vertical bar graph, the important information is given vertically.
 Lines Of Longitude Time: 01:48 This section explains lines of longitude, lines that run north and south and meet at the North and South Poles.
 Volcanic Eruptions Time: 01:51 Volcanic eruptions are another way that the earth's surface can change.
 Climate Regions Time: 02:06 This chapter defines the six different climate regions.
 Erosion Time: 02:29 Another type of land change that occurs on the earth's crust is erosion.
 Earth Crust Movement Time: 03:17 Geologists believe that the outer surface of the earth is composed of structures that sometimes shift on the earth's mantle.
 Parallels Of Latitude Time: 03:30 This section explains parallels of latitude, the lines that run east and west, and how these lines work on a globe.
 Climate Changes Time: 04:05 This chapter discusses the factors that can cause climate changes.
 Water Cycle Time: 06:05 This segment discusses the effects of the water cycle on the living patterns of nearby organisms.
 Graphs And Charts And Tables Oh My Time: 07:32 Graphs, charts and tables organize a particular set of information.
 Understanding Places: Geography Basics Time: 20:00 In this clip, three case studies in Europe, Africa and Latin America show how descriptions help us understand a place. Students see how descriptive information may be based on landforms of a region, such as mountains, deserts or sea coasts.
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