HEIR of Georgia
A statewide, all-volunteer organization working to ensure that
the people of Georgia and their government recognize home study,
freely practiced in its diverse forms, as a legitim READ MORE http://www.heir.org/
The Georgia Home Education Association is a network of home education families and support groups dedicated to observing the Biblical commands for parents to train their children. The purpose of the a READ MORE https://www.ghea.org/
Georgia State Laws Compulsory Attendance Ages: "between 6th and 16th birthdays." Official Code of Georgia Annotated § 20-2-690.1. However, if a child is under 6 and has attended more than 20 days in READ MORE https://www.ghea.org/pages/resources/stateLaw.php
Homeschool Associations requiring a Statement of Faith specific to their beliefs may be found in the “Outreach for Specific Interests” Directory.