Internet Safety Presentations
NetSmartz Internet Safety Presentations
NetSmartz offers free, multimedia Internet safety presentations tailored for specific audiences - parents and communities, tweens, teens, and younger children. Our innovative presentations utilize the latest statistics, online resources, videos, and expert tips to educate, engage, and empower children and adults to be safer on- and offline.

Educate Parents & Communities
These 45 and 30-minute PowerPoint presentations for parents and guardians of children ages 5-17 includes

Facts of online risks
Statistics, videos, and other resources
Tips for keeping children safer online
Encourage Tweens & Teens
Two 30-minute PowerPoint presentations for tweens and teens contain

Animated and documentary-style videos
Candid, thought-provoking discussions
Practical advice and free resources
Teach Younger Children
These 30-minute, interactive Primary and Intermediate presentations include

Age-appropriate explanations of online risks
Easy-to-remember online safety rules
Interactive, animated lessons led by Clicky, Nettie, and Webster
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