Baseball Geometry Interactive Learning
Baseball Geometry
Learn about different types of angles and how to label angles.

Identify Types of Angles
Measure and Classify Angles
Intersecting Lines
Label Angles
Label Equivalent Angles
Practice identifying types of triangles: obtuse, right, isoleses and equilateral. Learn how to find the area of a triange and use the Pythagoran Theorem to find the length of the hypotenuse.

Identify Types of Triangles
Find the Area of Triangles
Pythagorean Theorem
Identify different polygons. Learn to find the perimeter of a rectangle and the area of a rectangle.

Lines of Symmetry
Transformation: Rotation, Translation, and Reflection
Identify Polygons
Calculate Perimeters
Area of Rectangles
Circle: find the circumference and the area.

Find the Circumference of a Circle
Find the Area of a Circle
Review what you've learned about geometry

Review: Angles
Review Perimeters and Area
Review: Solid Figures
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