50 States Quiz
America is a big ol' place. Did you know that there are 50 states that constitute the United States? If so, you might enjoy this quiz on the 50 states, because that question is about as easy as it's going to get. Strap in and take a cruise around the United States with this HowStuffWorks original quiz.

Example Questions:
Which state served as the end of the Trail of Tears, a federal Native American removal program that forced thousands of Cherokees to move from ancestral their lands?

Which state was thought to contain the legedary Fountain of Youth, which was searched for by Juan Ponce de Leon in 1513?

Which state's native monarchy was toppled by agriculture firms and a new republic installed with Dole Fruit Company executive as president?

Which state was called Seward's Folly in the press when it was purchased for two cents an acre in 1867?
ismael says: 2009-06-08 13:06:49
the state called california

Administrator says: 2009-06-10 07:36:20
Ismael, nice try - particularly if you''re associating it to the Gold Rush, but try again.
Follow the link and learn more interesting facts about the States.

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